Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
Why did Jehovah want to kill Moses?
by Doug Mason inon the way, at a place where they spent the night, the lord met him and tried to kill him.
but zipporah took a flint and cut off her son's foreskin, and touched moses' feet with it, and said, "truly you are a bridegroom of blood to me!
it was then she said, "a bridegroom of blood by circumcision.
Half banana
Note the stone age knife being used betraying the story's stone age mentality. -
Waking People Up With Well Thought Out Comments
by JW_Rogue inis it possible to have an effect from the inside?
with well thought comments that reveal more of the history of the organization?
the next book we study will be "god's kingdom rules!
Half banana
JW rogue, sympathy bro! I know others in your situation. One thing you are probably driven to is to live inside your head as it were, to think about reality outside of the JW delusion and enjoy the real world that way. To physically leave suddenly of could make matters worse.
Perhaps in your casual comments you could stress the facts that the early Christian congregation seemed to think that welfare within the community was a priority (widows and orphans), The GB couldn't care a fig about the welfare of their followers even for the suffering of victims of sexual abuse. In fact the more they suffer the more dependent they become...
JWs I think, might be likened to a troupe of high-wire artists who have all fallen into the safety net...that is the KH community. from their viewpoint there is nothing underneath the net left to save them. It is this crippling vision of their place in life which holds them there in fear.
People who believe they are worthless will punish themselves and make bad choices.
The Watchtower of course encourages this since fear and worthlessness are the very factors they routinely exploit. The only people useful to the organisation are those who are guilt ridden, emotionally and educationally stifled and who therefore remain totally dependent on it to give them the imaginary fix of paradise .
Suggestion 1
Have you thought about building up your wife's self confidence as opposed to her abject religious dependency? A new job or new interest?
Suggestion 2
How about continuing to take it slowly, keep them on your side but sharing things you have learned which get the family to start thinking for themselves? Make some allies in your mild scepticism, preferably including your wife.
Suggestions 3
Expressing the oddness that if Big J was behind the JW org, surely, you would have thought he would get his dates right? The WT teaching for seventy odd years that the generation which saw 1914 would also see the end? JWs have never got a prophecy right...nor did Jesus get his generation prophecy right. Mark 9,1.
It's a trap all right!
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
Lett alone is nearly 1000? I didn't think he was that old! -
Loyalty? Today's WT The RC. It's a fix!
by Slidin Fast intoday's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
Half banana
Remember NWT = Not Well Translated.
This is appalling. Where there might be an ambiguity in a text, a translator will attempt to give the most likely meaning intended by the original writer.
Not so with JW org, given half a chance they will bend any scripture round to the idea of demanding slavish obedience to its cult leadership. It thinks God is guiding them, it has become so brazen in its efforts to push its non existent authority that it feels perfectly entitled to alter the Bible text. They are delusional.
I agree with you SF, they really do want those who leave to disappear and have no influence.
Start A Butterfly Garden!
by Bonsai intime to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Half banana
Loved your snail story Kaik. My two fearless farm cats would catch everything small which moves. Sadly the adventurous one Lupin got run over two weeks ago, he would travel nearly a mile to observe the activity in the village and sun himself on the benches outside the pub but this involved crossing a road. Nevertheless the two of them have reduced the swarms of pigeons which used to take all of the soft fruit in the garden. Highly focused stalking followed by a six foot leap into the air will bring down a big pigeon which is dragged through the cat-flap and eaten straight away always head first, feathers everywhere. It is only naive fledgeling birds of any kind which now visit the garden...
Moles are amazing, can you imagine the energy and strength needed to tunnel through the ground? They are tougher than old boots, all muscle, sinew and bone and apparently taste the most disgusting of all animals. At least that was the opinion of Buckland, the pioneer geologist in the 19th century and his son, who ate their way through every animal they encountered. Cats kill moles (thank you cats) but never in my experience eat them.
Crazy timeline of the bible.
by Crazyguy init's interesting to me anyway to see what the bible says the timeline of mankind is in relation to reality.
abraham was born roughly 2000 bce .
let's think about this for a moment.
Half banana
The Bible is just a story book, with magic people and magic happenings...much of it on the level of fairy tales.
Wakey wakey Jehovah's Witnesses and those who used to be but still believe the Bible!
Those who live their lives according to writings 2000-4000 years ago , how insane is that.?
by smiddy inwhen you think about it , in this 21st century of enlightenment , the explosion of information technology in all fields imaginable , yet the majority of humans of all faiths live their lives according to ancient scriptures / writings etc.for a world long past its use by date.. the bible says" faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for " none of the expectations hoped for in the jehovah`s witness religion ever eventuated , and neither has it in any other faith .. faith , of no matter what belief , is the carrot on the end of a stick leading the gullible on , and on , and on .and on.. smiddy.
Half banana
Child sacrifice as with Abraham, women as chattels, marry your rapist, the list goes on...
It would even be stupid to even live with the injunctions our great grandparents grew up with.
Thank goodness for the internet and transparency of information...along with humanistic welfare putting human needs above those of invisible Gods.
Polish branch committee member (former chairman) brought into court!
by wifibandit inpolish branch committee member (former chairman) brought into court!.
see also: polish forums..
Half banana
Yet another piece of good news! -
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
There are no such people with bodies "far more perfect than ours". Except in myth. -
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
People in stories who have names which describe what they do or did demonstrate the point that they are made up. Abraham = father of the multitudes.
Abraham probably represented an archetype, a mythical founding father, to explain the foreign settlers who came to Canaan. Archaeology shows that dispossessed and homeless bands of pastoralists from Assyria and from the and south-east, did arrive there around 1600 BCE. They are recorded as the Ebiru on contemporary stone inscriptions. In Egyptian texts at about 1300 BCE the Habiru are recorded as semi-nomadic pastoralists who settled in Canaan.
Most of the OT was written by Jews (a name used only after the exile from Babylon) usually copying foreign sources, in an attempt to write a rosy account of their truly impoverished history.